Dr. K. G. Bell

Epic Poetry and Romantic Stories of Ancient Times


K. G. Bell, Trinidadian born, is an educator, playwright, historian and poet who uses poetry and prose in his books to tell entertaining, satisfying stories. His voice is intense, interesting and beautiful, expressing clear realism, giving magic to the mundane, meaning to the classics, passion to the soul and cultivating an intense wonder for what was once thought ordinary.

Dr. Bell is perfect for clubs, churches coffeehouses, parties, banquets or special events.

A writer is a storyteller who looks deeply into people and conditions and attempt to expose new ideas."

"Dr. Bell lives in a time not of this century. A time that weaves its way into every one of his more than 15 books and makes itself known to every listener who wakes up from one of his readings."



* LIFE AND TIMES OF THE CARPENTER: a vivid retelling of the story of the life of Jesus Christ and the beginnings of Christianity.


* TRITAN'S JOURNEY: a grand adventure into a world of danger, mystery, greed, power, war and their relationship to the forces of good and evil.


* PLAYS: a compilation of stories about the lives and issues of powerful characters caught in fantastic situations..."Job, Prince of Patience," "Darkness upon Aztec Glory," "The Goddess of the Sun," and "Let Me Dance No More, Forever."


* THUNDER OF A TRUTHFUL HEART: mankind's struggle to find love by overcoming fears and embracing truth... poems that demonstrate and comment on both the tenderness and savagery of human life through generations and cross cultural experiences. *  


Dr. Kenneth George Belle is a university professor who was born in Trinidad and grew up in the Caribbean.  He holds a Batchelor’s of Science Degree in Business, a Masters Degree in Fine Arts and a Doctoral Degree in Social Psychology.  Dr. Bell is also a combat veteran of the Viet Nam War.

Dr. Bell, a vastly creative world historian, professor, epic poet and international playwright has made the world his stage. He has authored over 15 books—most noted for providing a window to the past; an exciting journey through the experiences of powerful literary creations.  His readers travel with him beyond imagination to a time that only exists in the fringes of dreams. When returned to this reality, they will have lived his visions; sampled a brief foray into the soul of creation.

One of Dr. Bell’s most well known works is “THE CARPENTER,” a dramatic musical in three acts that covers 120 years of Palestine history (50 B.C./70 A.D.) –commencing after the death of Julius Caesar and through the life and times of the much anticipated Messiah.

“TRITIAN’S JOURNEY” is a trilogy that has received much critical acclaim.  This story is set in the realm of fantasy, highlighting major conflicts between good and evil; defining the relationship between the ancient Gods and the mortals they rule.  It is a story of pride and power in a world not yet discovered.

“OH WONDERFUL LOVE” is a variety show--an experience of musical elegance and poetic splendor conceived and written by K.G. Bell.  The work is in pre-production to be produced on the Las Vegas strip in late 2007.

“DANCE OF WORDS” Dr. Bell’s current work, is a book of epic poems that addresses social history.  The work is being published by Random House.

Dr. Bell is available as solo orator or in concert with Kijana Wiseman and Janie Frazier performing their collective original compositions.

You may also see this video on our YouTube broadcast site:   

NEW BOOK for 2012!

Dr. Bell’s book of epic poems...
The Dance of Words

This book of Epic poems gives meaning to every moment of our living.  It uses language to meander through ideas and philosophies of peoples and cultures, effecting behaviors, visions and changes.

The Dance of Words, written with fire, reminds readers of a time when integrity, honor and love were in flower.  Lost moments of mankind’s existence come vividly alive with dramatic accounts of modern life, history, myths and fantasy.

The Poems emerge with power and passion, showing the values that impact human development.  The Dance of Words forces us to look deeply into our humanity in order to embrace fully this ‘Blast of Light’ called life.

The book is available online at


Click above to listen to an audio excerpt of a reading from The Dance of Words by  Dr. Bell


"Citywide Center for Performing and Visual Arts"    

Offering workshops, private lessons and  master classes in musical theatre, ballet, jazz, praise and modern dance.  Mr. Baxter is a veteran dancer and choreographer of Broadway, television and movies.  He will conduct classes at your facility or his.


"Kings, Queens & Warriors"

Dr. Bell does not live in this timeline. 

This playwright and author of over 15 books specializes in the flamboyant characters that lived during the height of the Greek and Roman Empires.

In this program, his high dramatic prose, epic poems and impressive elocution skills mesmerize us with stories of the time of Hercules, Helen of Troy, Achilles, and more.